Thursday, May 22, 2008

This is my sister's envelope for this week. I make her one every week...and it brightens up her day. I stuff it full of Sunday School papers and a nice fat letter from me. Sometimes I add a page or two torn out of a magazine that I think she might enjoy. This week she got two envelopes sent. She sounded kind of 'down' so my husband and I mailed her a paper back copy of 'The Boxcar Children' which she loves to read. I think she'll be happy to get it. Can you think of anyone you could send a note this week...of course in a decorated envelope....grin. You Can do it!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

The Boxcar Children!! I haven't heard that name in many years. I LOVED that story.

This is my first time to drop by and I am struck dumb by the drop dead gorgeousness of your art! So, fun to just look at.